Mr. Fish:
So Daredevil, when you say outloud, to yourself, "My super sensitive senses tell me that the thief left his calling card-- a fresh peach!" you're basically saying, "Hey. A peach."
Luke Cage:
Look here, turkey. If I ever face a clown with the power of PEACH APPRECIATION, and then need to set some complicated motherfucking pie trap to catch his cracker ass, I'd make GOD damn sure you'd never hear about it.
Peachy Keen:
Yes, I was gifted with the power of enjoying peaches and the skill necessary to talk about them a lot. Plus, I'm a little bit fat. But this ad didn't mention my other, REALLY super power! I have the ability to fuck a peach and have it feel just like real sex.
Doctor Doom:
That is no special power, fool. It feels exactly like regular sex when anyone copulates with a peach.
Peachy Keen:
Ha ha ha! Actually, my real super power is tricking people into admitting that THEY have sex with peaches! Ha ha ha-- BUSTED!
Doctor Doom:
Doom only meant... Doom is... ARGH! YOU FIERY BASTARD!!!