In another interview, Robert told them that "Money Makes the World Go Around" sounded like they were begging for money, and MUSIGN agreed which led to an amazing conversation about how people almost killed them by donating high speed projectiles. And thanks to the magic of close captioning, their hilarious dialogue is built right into the screenshots. I swear I didn't edit or mess with this in any way: MUSIGN, I hope you aren't so deaf that you're unable to read this because they weren't throwing coins as donations. They were throwing coins at you because they'd been booing for 10 minutes and you couldn't fucking hear them. You're lucky you weren't performing near a place that had access to eggs or hand grenades.
MUSIGN helps bring music to the hearing impaired, which is an insane way of saying that they don't really do anything at all. Deaf people shouldn't want music. Without audio, musical theatre is just mimes and bad poetry. And it doesn't matter what you've done, you don't deserve that. If being handicapped is a wound, MUSIGN is like rubbing a painful and very gay salt into it. People will flip off strangers in traffic for not using their turn signal. If someone cuts in line at the grocery store, a stranger can legally call them a piece of shit. However, these same strangers will go out of their way to talk about how transcendant and inspirational MUSIGN is, a much more horrible crime than cutting in line or being a bad driver. I'm all for being polite to people when they can't help what's wrong with them, but MUSIGN pushes that bullshit too far. Just because they can't hear doesn't mean we should all shut up when they're making fools of themselves. It's just going to encourage blind people to put out a painting video, or legless people to put out a video about kickboxing which now that I think about it would be totally sweet. It's a complete mystery how these people struggle against common sense and flying quarters to be such devout music enthusiasts. It's the one thing they don't have a chance at enjoying. You'd think deaf performers would focus on non audio-related talents like plate spinning or motorcycle jumping. Shit, there are jobs where being deaf would help you. I'm sure clowns wish they didn't have ears when they get blasted out of cannons, and I bet harvesting sperm by manually masturbating animals would be a lot easier if you didn't have to hear their bleats of passion and confusion.
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