I am Rod Hull. I am him. I loooooove your electronic web-page site. It is very amusing and witty and funny. My friend emu thought so to. However I am extremely disappointed at the lack of Jelly-related content in these pages. May I suggest you rectify this extreme error of judgement. You could start, perhaps, with some photographs of the Jelly. GREEN Jelly only if you please. Where is my Jelly? I must have JELLY!!! JEEEEEEELLLLLLYYYYYYY!
Please note that failure to include JELLY on this site will result in a life-long ban to the Rod Hull and Emu fan club. Oh yes.
Yours Sincerely, Rod Hull (the real one)
At this point you may not be wondering who Rod Hull is. But if you are, I can tell you that he was a wretched mop-topped wrinkly TV star with a bad suit, a puppet emu and an entourage of kiddie followers, who all lived together in a stout phallic symbol and got over-excited when somebody knocked at the door. Sounds cool so far, huh. But you have to remember that he was no ventriloquist, the emu was mute and was in fact just a ploy to grope c-list celebrities’ crotches under the pretense of a wacky “emu attack”. After his TV series ended this is just about all he did, until his demise. He fell off a roof trying to adjust his TV aerial. Theoretically, impersonating him is funny, weird and even cool, but somebody else got there first and this person is just regurgitating that person’s material. To appreciate the humour of this ejaculation it might help to remember that in the UK, jelly is a tasty wobbly gelatine snack, and not a fruit conserve. Or it might not help at all. *snooze*