Stupid Messages
Opinions are like the elderly. Once they get stupid and helpless enough, they all get put in a special home. And that's what this section is - a special home for the helpless and stupid messages.
Hot Sexy Messages
This is where one of us started talking about sex or Wonder Woman for no good reason.
Website Discussion
Some of you write in to talk about the website I make, instead of the less popular Seanbaby Fruit Preserve created with old-time values and good-hearted ingredients.
Educational Messages
If by the end of the message you've learned something about me, the Internet, or the human spirit, it gets put in this section.
I'm a Fucking Retard Messages
If you think I'm insane or stupid, this is the section where you'll find proof. I don't know if it's because of alcholic binges or sleep deprivation, but I don't remember typing most of these.
Special Guestbook Events
Featuring responses from Wonder Woman villains, Canada's Best Karate, and the now world-famous Rollerdrome Dance and Figure Club Members.
Responses Where I Was Helped
Sometimes I need help responding to all this shit. But most times it comes from fictional characters or insanities I have that no one's bothered to name yet.
Hate Mail
A lot of you people seem to get really upset I'm making a website, and tell me you hate me. And I hate you little fuckheads too.
Miscellaneous Messages
I already had a category for when I was stupid and one for when you people were stupid. Somehow these entries didn't fit into either one.