All stupid shit aside, It should be painfully obvious to anyone that this is just a bad front for an Amway recruiting party. After JoAnn is done showing off her new toll painting, she exits and returns with a white board. Then she starts giving speeches about impending financial success while drawing a very convincing pyramid of circles. "It sounds fascinating! But can even an introverted person with birth defects like me make money with it?" asks the fat woman JoAnn paid twenty dollars to earlier. After a couple more hours of circle drawing and estrogen, the entire room signs up to buy a warehouse full of window cleaner. And JoAnn smiles to herself. She knows that 2% of the net profit from every ninth bottle of Windex gets split between her and only 132 other people. "I will soon be rich," she thinks outloud with a small cackle. The rest of the room is too busy planning their future summer homes to hear her.
Anyway, after I read the flyer, I knew I had to have it. It was a few days old, but I thought it would be polite to ask the ice cream scooping girl if I could keep it. She looked like she spoke English, but I must have had to repeat my question four or five times. I've found there is no one more confused than a food service worker when you ask them about something that doesn't involve food. So after a series of blank stares and "ums," I asked the same question in frat. I said, "Hey, uhhh...could I get this flyer to help me and my frat fund our trip to Canada? I'm a Delta Iota Kappa, and we get like 25 cents? for every rubber stamp flyer we can find. Yeah, we're havin' a big rubber stamp rager this weekend. It's gonna fuckin' rule. Full kegs. Shit. You know, if you came, I could almost guarantee you'll get your tits grabbed. Here's one free sexual harassment card. What do ya think? Free beer for chicks. Bring like 20 friends." Something inside her finally started working, and she smiled and asked, "What frat again?" That's when I grabbed the flyer and leapt through a plate glass window to make my escape.

I'm not an expert on the Bible, but I don't think that's right.
During another of my web searches that always make me feel better about myself
and my bed wetting problem, I found out there's a cure for gay. That's right, if you let Jesus into your heart, he can fix that annoying case of homo you caught from watching too much WWF. You know, if you consider being a Christian a cure for anything. Just look here at the "Straight Paths" website (currently down)!
"No matter what sexual addiction or situation you may be struggling with --
pornography, masturbation, same-sex attraction, homosexuality, heterosexual lust, prostitution, voyeurism, exhibitionism, survivor of incest/molestation, phone sex, the internet, S&M, anonymous sex...
Jesus Christ is the answer!"
Jesus Christ is the answer to masturbation? Even I know that's inappropriate. Plus, I have a theory I'm working on. That is, if you are engaging in exhibitionism and S&M, you're probably not the kind of person who's going to pick Christianity as a lifestyle. Oh, and by the way, the exact quote from Romans 9:13 is, "And the Lord descendeth upon the fags, and said, 'thou art a bunch of queens, and I hate thee.' And then he struck them with a stick of 2 cubits of length." So they took a couple of liberties with the translation to the left.
And as an example of the kind of intellectual giants you would be getting your remedial therapy from at the Straight Paths website, here is a sample story from their page. It's the tale of two Christian boys, one of them gay, trying to deal with the debilitating disease of fairy. Unmodified divinely inspired text will be on the left, while sarcastic belittling comments will be on the right. Oh, and also, everything the little queen says will be in pink. Please enjoy:
"Oh, I see what
you mean," he interrupted, nodding. "I'm not a practicing homosexual
anymore. Haven't been since I accepted Christ." |
I used to have a club that practiced gay, but once we
accepted Christ we had to stop. He kept making fun of us. Luckily, all the practice did pay off and one of our members
finally entered into the Homo Pro League. His knees eventually gave out, and he was cut
from the Oakland Flamers. But soon after, a minor league team in Europe signed him. |
"Practicing?" I repeated, still dazed. |
This is the straight guy who can't believe he was friends with a gay homosexual.
He must have had the same stupid joke I made about the word "practicing" in his head, since the term
seemed to confuse him too. But I at least wasn't dazed by it. In fact, I remained lucid throughout the
entire shocking story. But I'm not christian. So, yeah. |
"In other words, I
don't commit any homosexual acts" he explained. "And I
don't intend to." |
I don't get how these kids are any different. Who cares if one of them wants to sleep with
guys. It's not like God allows either one of them to do anything until they're married anyway. Plus, even if he can't get straight by then, he could just live in abstinence like those Trekkie people. Sometimes you have to choose between mythology and sex. |
"So you aren't a fag anymore," I surmised
hopefully. "Right?" |
I don't think this guy gets it. First of all, you don't call your friend nasty
names. Especially if like God is watching and everything.
Secondly, I don't think "surmised hopefully" is an accurate description of a teenage
boy's thought process. I think a better sentence would be: "So you aren't a fag anymore," I stuttered out while thinking about naked whores and when I could leave to masturbate. Plus, you don't turn your sexuality on and off. What day is it? Saturday? Oh good. I'm not gay on
Saturdays. Which is too bad. Tonight is the big dance contest! |
"Man, I hate that
word!" he told me. "I cringe every time I hear it.
But you're wrong. I'll always be a homosexual, in the same way that an alcoholic who hasn't had a drink in years is still an alcoholic. It's a condition that a person has to accept and then deal with." |
Here we get a special look inside the mind of a young gay boy. Of course, it might be slightly inaccurate
since it was written by a bad author who happens to be a straight Christian whose experience
with gay people is watching Tom Cruise movies with no pants on. I'm just glad he related orientation to alchoholism. Otherwise I'd still be saying, "So now... as long as I'm not wearing pink, I can still be straight as long as I don't have pom poms, right?" Fuck! Ever since gay got invented in the early eighties, everything has been so complicated! |
"But why can't you be a counselor at camp?" I asked, even though the thought of him being my kid brother's counselor made me sick. |
I was expecting the friend to respond with something a little more pertinent, but it looks like he's at least trying to understand. Still, what kind of sick bastard pictures their friends having sex with their little brother? Wait, I see. It's because they're attracted to males! They must want to fuck kids! Holy shit! I just left my little brother alone with his babysitter, and I heard she's a Christian and a former practicing heterosexual! Oh, just the thought of it is making me sick. |
"I have to avoid
situations that could give me trouble," he said. "That's why I don't take P.E. at school; I have to stay away from the locker room. And if you've ever noticed, I'm already
wearing my trunks when we have a swim party. That way I don't have to change with the other
guys. Verses like I Corinthians 10:13 really work, but only if you realize what your own
weaknesses are." |
What kind of trouble do you get into in a P.E. class? Do you just start uncontrollably ramming your crotch into people during soccer? If that's the case, you have much more important problems to talk about than your homosexuality. I almost understand, though. Me and most other straight males have to avoid places like the beach, the mall, or any other place where girls
might be located. Otherwise the hormones that God implanted in us make us want to strip naked and hump legs. Plus, everyone knows that the main situations for gays to avoid are interior decorating displays and Barbara Streisand movies. Oh man, I know gay people that have screaming orgasms just thinking about them. Actually, I don't know anything about homosexuals. All my gay friends spend 90 percent of their time reminding everyone that they're gay rather than explaining to us all the gay secrets.
On this thing the news calls the Information Super Highway and your parents call "that computer thing," we have these things called "newsgroups." If I was speaking this out loud this is where I would take two fingers on each hand and form them into quotations just like people with no social skills do. On these "newsgroups," young pre-teens from America Online send the same three emails to each other. They go in this order and then repeat:
1: "FuCKK U, LoZeR. YoU Suq DIk."
2: "You are the loser because you cannot spell. Now learn to spell, dork.
Anyway, during an unfortunate afternoon searching for a good picture of naked children having sex
with pot bellied pigs... for my brother, I found this. Actually, the coolest part is that I found this
in a video game newsgroup that had as much to do with sex as a first date with a Mormon girl. And they say the internet isn't for kids.
If this guy really wanted some chicks with no any sexual infectious disease, he should have mass posted
this in the Star Trek groups. Those girls are almost guaranteed to be clean. There is no better form of STD control than a Klingon costume.
I am looking for a female sex partner. E-mail sexual
intercourse first and probably direct sexual intercouse later. I am an Asian, middle age, 68 inches, 130 lb, absolutely clean and no any sexual infectious disease. I am very sexy. I like to fuck all ways. I like extremely violent intercourse with a woman. You can be any kind of woman, but you must be absolutely clean and no any sexual infectious disease.
Just for the enjoyment of sexuality together.
I am in East Lansing, Michigan, USA.
Interested please mail: