22-Nov-99 10:15 PM |
27-Jun-99 11:14 PM |
04-Jul-99 07:42 PM |
26-Jul-99 08:45 PM | ||
04-Aug-99 10:21 PM |
06-Aug-99 08:37 PM |
08-Aug-99 09:59 PM |
20-Aug-99 10:20 PM |
13-Sep-99 01:45 PM |
18-Sep-99 01:40 AM |
10-Sep-99 07:50 PM |
"I really really tried to like the first Evil Dead movie, but it had the cinematics of a Mexican variety show, the sound quality of a bad porn, and the script of a 7th grade play. Bruce Campbell is cool, but I would have rather watched him read the phone book or something." |
15-Sep-99 08:43 PM |
24-Sep-99 02:40 AM |
05-Oct-99 08:26 PM |
| "It wasn't unusual for the writers to lose track of the complicated story lines, or take a few liberties with science, but I was always impressed when they accidentally drew the wrong guy. I guess it would save some time if you were to send Green Lantern to rescue himself." |
| "I take no responsibility for any aneurisms, bowel movements, or erections as a result of viewing the new links page. I do however claim all responsibility for all acts of violence committed by readers of this: KILL YOUR SCHOOL, BITCH. THEY HATE YOU. QUAKE IS REAL." |
08-Oct-99 07:25 AM |
07-Oct-99 09:51 AM |
12-Oct-99 04:32 PM |
04-Nov-99 12:19 PM |
| "I hate the X-men in more ways than I can calculate on my Speak n' Math. The only reason I ever read them was because Wolverine was so cutting edge when I was 11, I felt like I was 12. And, of course, Rogue's tits. I still simulate sex with her by dressing up a mannequin in a skunk striped wig, taking down my pants, and knocking myself out with a stick just as my crotch makes contact with the wooden fantasy girl." |
| "I think the script could have been nicer to those guys chasing Jean Claude, yeah. They had trouble eating, running, and talking. Even if Frank Dux was just some guy that was good at Karate Champ, they still probably couldn't catch him. The army should have just sent two girl scouts with a bloodhound." |
| "Kin Korn Karn and Aqua Man just made an anti-Seanbaby Page. Mostly it was pictures from my middle school yearbook they had drawn moustaches on. Then Kin Korn would write things under them like, "Of great stupid is me!" And Aqua Man's contribution was a pretty fish background. They sent me an email saying, "It you turn now!" Anyway, the page was deemed inappropriate under the 1997 Lame Telecommunication Act, and was deleted by the webmaster." |
| "It depends. Some of the ones that sound like I was typing as fast as I could about whatever popped into my head are exactly that. Then there are pages like the NES Page that took an entire childhood of research, and the Hostess Page that involved hundreds of dollars and days of searching through dingy comic shops that smell of unwashed nerd and my own puddle of warm excitement." |
| "When you restated the obvious point already mentioned by myself on the exact page you're describing that most of the subjects on the Stupid Page are easy targets for ridicule, you brought up an important issue. The fact is that finding hard targets would be harder, and as long as writing this homepage makes me no money and is just some crap I do when I run out of crotch oil, I probably won't care much." |
| "Two things were responsible for my 'amazing crotch.' The first is my enormous penis. The second is the even more enormous bundle of clothing I jammed into the front of my pants." |
| "Making a fourth will be impossible, since Bruce is so busy with his other projects like, 'Mr. Waddle's Disney Adventure,' 'Bit Part in Shitty Movie,' and 'Hiding.'" |
| "I have all the quiz entries saved in a special directory labeled "Never open." Someday I'll post a few on the page, but there are about 500 things that take precedence. Maybe if people gave quiz answers besides 'My powers are super sarcasm like you seanabby! My skills are being bissed pimp motha fucka in all of suburbian Ohio. word, homes. peace out.' As for time spent updating, answering the guestbook is about 12 seconds out of my day. And it doesn't take a bottle of ginkgo biloba to get the cerebral state required to scan a fruit pie ad and leave the room. If you see more than 5 updates in the What's New page, then yeah, I put an hour or two in. Otherwise, I probably spent 15 minutes typing at the computer in between Bible study and breathing hard at randomly dialed phone numbers." |