#44 (AFI):
My Man Godfrey
Year: 1936
Directed by: Gregory La Cava
Written by: Morrie Ryskind & Eric Hatch
Starring: William Powell, Carole Lombard
Seanbaby: I haven't seen this movie because my local video store doesn't have a time machine, but I feel like I completely know it thanks again to the comments of one Internet Movie Database user from Omaha, royal1422, who said, "Lombard defined screwball with her on and off screen antics. Powell's Godfrey matches her step for step, and Powell does one better by showing us depth in his character rather than play straight man to her every madcap move."
That's the kind of thing you can only read on the Internet, because if you ever tried to say that shit in front of an actual person, they'd punch your mouth shut before you could finish saying "antics," and way before you could finish your next sentence of, "This movie's screwball repercussions can be felt in the way it reinforces how much I enjoy having madcap antic sex with myself!"
Calculando Calrissian 2000: Later, the same foolish reviewer added, "The movie is fast-paced and often beyond zany." Because of this, I have used my vast computerized brain to make up for the inadequacies of the English language by actually inventing a word that means "beyond zany." From now on, you may just say, "I am a fucking idiot."
And now, a little something for the blind...


#44 (IFLS):
Dirty Work
Year: 1998
Directed by: Bob Saget. Yes, seriously.
Written by: Frank Sebastiano, Fred Wolf, Genius Norm Macdonald
Starring: Genius Norm MacDonald, Chris Farley (and his brother), Jack Warden, Artie Lange, hilarious dickhead Don Rickles, Chevy Chase, Christopher McDonald
Seanbaby: Thanks to the miracle of modern me, lines were taken from this movie and then made to look like children from a book about raising children were saying them. I guess the AFI might say, "Look who's talking! ha ha ha!" right before they say, "I want to eat your living flesh!"
