#46 (AFI):
Year: 1979
Directed by: Woody Allen
Written by: Woody Allen, Marshall Brickman
Starring: Woody Allen, Diane Keaton, Mariel Hemingway, Meryl Streep
Calculando Calrissian 2000: Before the foolish Laser Squad could watch Woody Allen give New York another cinematic blowjob, they were distracted. With DESTRUCTION! And I will give you wastepuddle cretins one pathetic guess as to who was responsible:

That's right... ME! Ha Ha!
(Actual size Erin Gray added for scale. My size exceeds even that of your Hollywood's brightest stars!)

#46 (IFLS):
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
Year: 1988
Directed by: Yoda
Written by: Dale Launer, Stanley Shapiro, Paul Henning
Starring: Steve Martin, Michael Caine
Seanbaby: Some films remind us that we're all a part of a giant collective, and if we trust hard enough in each other's skates we'll become beings of light and enter a fifth dimension made entirely out of joy.
In Dirty Rotten Scoundrels there's a shot of Steve Martin in a speedo, reminding us that if there really is a universe, it's a fucking whore.