#89 (AFI):
The Jerk
Year: 1979
Directed by: Carl Reiner
Written by: Steve Martin, Carl Gottlieb, Michael Elias
Starring: Steve Martin
Seanbaby: We learned the hard way that Hollywood didn't make 100 funny movies. When we fed our lists into the Calculando Calrissian 2000, it said very clearly in its smooth but deadly voice, "Analysis shows that the bottom 20 movies are at a dangerous level of crapiness." Then it turned off all the lights and used its computer brain to tell the vacuum cleaner to kill us. That computer's a dick, but it's right. The bottom of our list is weak. Mostly because we decided to honor brilliant movies like the Jerk somewhere above garbage like Silver Streak.

#89 (IFLS):
Putney Swope
Year: 1969
Directed by: Robert Downey Sr.
Written by: Robert Downey Sr.
Starring: Arnold Johnson, Peter Maloney, Mel Brooks
Seanbaby: In this movie, a black guy is accidentally put in charge of an advertising firm, and then revolutionizes the business with the built-in irreverent street wisdom all black guys in movies have. Since then, about 10 movies identical to it get made every year. Because like my college textbook said, years of research into marketing and advertising will never be as successful as a noisy man who likes to dance and says "motherfucker!" at the end of all his sentences.