#100 (AFI):
Good Morning, Vietnam(!)
Year: 1987
Directed by: Barry Levinson
Written by: Mitch Markowitz
Starring: Robin Williams, Forest Whitaker
Erik: Good Morning Vietnam wouldn't even make it onto my top 100 WORST comedies of all time - IT'S THAT BAD. Here's the whole movie: Robin Williams tells jokes that clearly aren't funny and then they cut to the other actors laughing uproariously at them. And then at the end, the sad clown cries. Fuck you Robin Williams. This movie, combined with every other movie Robin Williams has ever made, including Bicentennial Man and Patch Adams which I'm counting 100 times each, resulted in the Laser Squad's strict "no Robin Williams" policy. Please note that KThor broke this rule when he included Shakes The Clown on his list.
Seanbaby: The front of the box is proud that Time magazine called it "...the best military comedy since 'M*A*S*H'..." Way to go, but being the funniest war movie is a lot like being the best looking child molestor. You only won because no one else entered the damn contest, and it probably shouldn't have been held in the first place.
Kthor: It’s a funny movie about Vietnam. It’s a funny movie that’s not funny about fucking Vietnam. The Vietnam War, one of the biggest tragedies in American history, a pointless military conflict that destroyed a generation and created a climate of divisiveness that nearly tore America apart, causing tens of thousands of American kids in the prime of life to die, go insane, or become addicted to heroin. You know what the sad part is? The war itself probably packed more laughs than this Barry Levinson turdswish.

#100 (IFLS):
Monty Python & the Holy Grail
Year: 1975
Directed by: Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones
Written by: Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, Michael Palin
Starring: Mostly the writers in about four roles each.
Seanbaby: The Holy Grail caused some controversy among the Internet Film Laser Squad, and I'm one of the people unexcited about it making the list. It was a funny movie before the Dungeons & Dragons nerds and Arthurian reenactors based an entire civilization around quoting it, and I wish I could ignore all that and concentrate just on the film itself, but they ruined it so badly I can't imagine a world where Monty Python is still funny. And even if my mind could build a perfect little dimension in my head, one of those geeks in the crappy world would find some way to build a warp drive thing and invade my new utopia to hold "The Renaissance Fairre that says NEE!"
Kthor: I agree that Holy Grail is tainted by the fervent ass-rubbing of high-school students in floor-length capes and fake vampire teeth, but if you can distance yourself from the mental image of anybody who can quote this film, there’s still a couple stand-out scenes in this mess that make me perfectly OK with declaring it the #100 funniest movie ever. Both Meaning of Life and Life of Brian are funnier and less overexposed.