#86 (AFI):
City Slickers
Year: 1991
Directed by: Ron Underwood
Written by: Billy Crystal, Lowell Ganz, Babaloo Mandel
Starring: Billy Crystal, Jack Palance, Daniel Stern, Bruno Kirby
Seanbaby: In a spooky coincidence of parallels, the AFI and the IFLS both picked fish-out-of-water Westerns for their 86th choices. This will probably the last time it happens since from here up, all of the choices on the AFI list are ancient movies filmed on stone tablets about men wearing dresses.
Erik: The featured IMDB user comment calls City Slickers "'Stand By Me' meets 'Groundhog Day'". Although that's a completely - not to mention insanely - inaccurate description, I agree with it, because it makes City Slickers sound just about as bad as it is. The premise of this movie - and about 90% of comedy - is that Jews aren't naturally good at a lot of things.
Seanbaby: Yeah, I guess now that you mention it, Jewish actors have fish-out-of-water built right into them no matter what movie they're in.

#86 (IFLS):
Three Amigos
Year: 1986
Directed by: John Landis
Written by: Steve Martin, Lorne Michaels, Randy Newman
Starring: Steve Martin, Chevy Chase, Martin Short
Seanbaby: You might think it's really gay-empowering that three singing, dancing homos went down and conquered Mexico, but remember: Tarzan did the same thing in Africa all by himself and he was just a baby. So if you're a military leader and want to conquer a country, remember that three gay adults equals one regular baby. As for the film itself, I think Three Amigos is the best movie about gay people since Top Gun.