#58 (AFI):
It's a Gift
Year: 1934
Directed by: Norman Z. McLeod
Written by: Jack Cunningham, W.C. Fields, J.P. McEvoy
Starring: W.C. Fields
Seanbaby: An ocean away from where they were filming It's a Gift, people were being rounded up and shaved to make pillows then boiled down to make soap. That may or may not have effected how funny this movie was; it's hard to tell when I'm so busy wondering how many pounds of human remains it would take to make a bar of soap big enough to wash off the stench of the AFI's failure.

#58 (IFLS):
Strange Brew
Year: 1983
Directed by: Rick Moranis & Dave Thomas
Written by: Rick Moranis, Dave Thomas, & Steve De Jarnatt. And according to the Internet Film Database, William Shakespeare (uncredited)
Starring: Rick Moranis, Dave Thomas, Max von Sydow
Seanbaby: Before this movie, no one had ever heard of Canada. Now it's known for three things: beer, The French, and being America's secret lumber depository. You see, they keep the trees safe for us up there, and we can get them any time by pointing our missile turrets north. Of course, last time we did that it didn't work. We aimed the missiles, but no one thought to send a sled dog out to their President's igloo to tell him.
Calculando Calrissian 2000 Correction: The Mayor of Canada lives in a teepee.