#57 (AFI):
Year: 1982
Directed by: Barry Levinson
Written by: Barry Levinson
Starring: Steve Guttenberg, Daniel Stern, Paul Reiser, Kevin Bacon, Mickey Rourke
Seanbaby: It's clear to us that our list is right and the AFI's is wrong. But if it's not clear to anyone else, take careful note that right here, THE AMERICAN FILM INSTITUTE PICKED A STEVE GUTTENBERG MOVIE. That's like writing "WE ARE IDIOTS" on a time capsule for future generations. Poland may be an international practical joke, but at least their film institute didn't pick any Steve Guttenberg movies.
Calculando Calrissian 2000 Correction: In 1995, the Mayor of Poland legally changed their country's Top 100 Film Institute List to dubbed versions of the seven Police Academy movies, 110 times each.

#57 (IFLS):
Chasing Amy
Year: 1997
Directed by: Kevin Smith
Written by: Kevin Smith
Starring: Ben Affleck, Joey Lauren Adams, Jason Lee, That Kid that Says the Stupid Shit, Kevin Smith
Seanbaby: Chasing Amy is right about where most people started to really want to punch Ben Affleck.