#96 (AFI):
Sons of the Desert
Year: 1933
Directed by: Lloyd French, William A. Seiter
Written by: Frank Craven, Byron Morgan
Starring: Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy
Seanbaby: In 1930, comedy technology hadn't advanced much past the bonk, and movies like this were innovative. But the only people that would laugh at this movie today had better check with their doctor before they try it. Keeping this movie on the Top 100 Funniest Films list is like Consumer Reports adding Horse Drawn Carriage to their list of Top 100 Greatest Automobiles.
Erik: The entire cast and crew of 1933's Sons of the Desert are now dead. Once again AFI, HAHAHAHAHA.
Kthor: Laurel and Hardy. You see, one’s fat, and the other one could fit inside the fat one. This formula would later be repeated in Twins, but only the bottom half of Arnold Schwarzenegger could fit inside Danny DeVito. Curiously, that’s just the way both like it. I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about, but I’ll bet you dollars to donuts that Sons of the Desert is 1) in black & white, unlike Twins and 2) unfunny, like Twins.

#96 (IFLS):
Year: 1985
Directed by: Terry Gilliam
Written by: Terry Gilliam, Charles McKeown, Tom Stoppard
Starring: Robert DeNiro, Michael Palin, Jonathan Pryce
Seanbaby: I always thought George Orwell's 1984 needed a bunch of Monty Python shit. Thanks, Brazil.
Kthor: Time Bandits is funnier, because it has midgets. Twelve Monkeys is funnier, because it has monkeys. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is funnier, because it has people getting fucked up. The Fisher King is… not funnier, thankfully. Yes, Terry Gilliam, modern society is all crazy! Let’s have a dream sequence! Fag. A couple good sight gags do not a #96 movie make. Sorry, kids.