#72 (AFI):
Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House
Year: 1948
Directed by: H.C. Potter
Written by: Melvin Frank, Eric Hodgins, Norman Panama
Starring: Cary Grant, and other actors and actresses you wouldn't recognize if you're young enough to know how to use the Internet.
Seanbaby: There are over 2000 ways to tell you the Money Pit was the exact same movie but funnier. And I've chosen this one: "There are people out there right now picking out rhyming Hallmark cards that have a more developed sense of humor than the AFI."

#72 (IFLS):
Billy Madison
Year: 1995
Directed by: Tamra Davis
Written by: Tim Herlihy, Adam Sandler
Starring: Adam Sandler, Mortal Kombat's Bridgette Wilson, Norm Macdonald, Chris Farley, Robocop 3's Bradley Whitford
Seanbaby: We admit that the Story of Ricky isn't going to be funny to everyone since a lot of you can't relate to super-powered prison death matches. And not all of us have been to the turn of the century drag shows that showed the AFI just how funny a man in a skirt can be. But everyone can relate to Billy Madison. It's about a really stupid person going to school, and all of us went to school. Plus, most of us are really stupid people. I'd say it's the best movie named after the main character since Carl Weathers made Braker, then Fortune Dane, and then Action Jackson. And then Hurricane Smith.
Mark: Adam Sandler plays an orphaned retard/single-parent child who must overcome seemingly insurmountable intellectual barriers in order to save his grandma’s house/father’s business/uncle’s farm from evil developers/politicians/Bob Barker, all with the help of the child sidekick/girlfriend he’ll meet along the way! (See also: Happy Gilmore, Water Boy, Big Daddy)